How to cure toenail fungus quickly and effectively - all methods of treating the disease!

Pedicure on healthy nails

The problem of the treatment of toenail fungus is quite urgent. According to statistics, 50% of all diseases are caused by parasitic fungi. Settling on the nail plate, they are able to multiply rapidly, and then damage not only the nails, but also the skin of the legs. If this disease is not cured in time, it will be very difficult to restore the previous appearance of the skin and nails.

How can you get nail fungus?

There are two types of mushrooms. The first is "onychomycosis".Only affects the nail plate. The second is "yeast infection". Bacteria damage the skin around the nail. They can occur both together and separately.

Fungi can be infected by three factors: heat, humidity and damage (even with a slight scratch).

In 80% of cases, infection occurs if you visit the following places:

  1. Bathspublic, saunas.
  2. Swimming pool.
  3. Sports, gymnasiums.
  4. Changing rooms of various sports and other facilities.
  5. Hotels and hotels with carpeted floors.
  6. Beauty salons (through manicure supplies).
  7. Beach.

I would like to note that most often those who do not follow their feet properly suffer from fungus:

< zxol>
  • Do not wash them.
  • Wear closed-toe shoes during the warmer months.
  • Puts on someone else's slippers at a party, or even takes to slander someone else's shoes.
  • Insufficiently dries feet after washing.
  • Lack of foot hygiene is the reason for the development of fungi

    In addition, if there are violationsblood circulation, low immunity, obesity, diabetes, HIV, then a person can easily get infected with this nasty disease.

    Signs and symptoms of toenail fungus

    After each trip to the swimming pool, public bath, gym and other places, you should carefully examineyour feet and nails. It turns out thatsigns and symptoms can be detected almost immediately after infectioni.

    First, the nail plates change:

    • Shadow ofmarigold< zxstrong>turns yellowor brown.
    • small white spotsappear.
    • yellow stripes, brown, even black, will appear.
    • The nail may thicken.
    • Deformation occurs, the shape of the nail plate changes.
    • Dryness appears,redness, burning sensation.
    • Cracks may occurbetween the toes.

    If you notice any symptom, see your doctor or pharmacy for products that will help get rid of bacteria.

    How to quickly cure toenail fungus - effective drugs for the disease

    Did not have the opportunity to see a doctor, Itherefore decided to read reviews on the Internet of those who have used drugs. And it was only then that I went to buy pharmaceutical drugs. I will list themost effective and best remedies.

    Pills for nail fungus

    If you have immune problems, diabetes or if you are over 50, you can get pills for this disease.

    It is undesirable for other people to take pills, as their effect is noticeably weaker compared to creams and ointments, and they can cause the following side effects:

    • A healthy appetite will disappear.
    • The taste will disappear.
    • Stomach problems appear.
    • Vomiting, allergies can occur.

    Fungal tablets are particularly contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as those with liver and kidney problems.

    If you are not one of them, it is safe to take antifungal medication.

    Note that all tablets aredurable, so a minimum of 6-8 weeks should pass before results appear. During this time you will need to take the medicine.

    Topical Antifungal Medicines That Work

    There are other medicines that can get rid of your foot fungus - these are topical medicines. These include creams, ointments, sprays, varnishes, solutions, serums. The result of their action will benoticeable faster than with the pills.

    The following advantages of these funds are noted:

    • You can use a long time.
    • Suitable for people who should not be taking pills.
    • Allergies and other side effects are rare.
    • Low cost.
    • Easy to apply.

    The disadvantages of the application are also noticeable:

    • the cream cannotpenetrate under the nail plate, and it iswhere the bacteria are.
    • Before using it, it is necessaryto remove part of the bad nail with pliers or a file.

    Varnish is the best tool. It not only disinfects the nail, but also penetrates its tissues, going deeper, to the internal cells.

    Means for removing the affected nail

    To remove the affected part of the nail, it is not necessary to go to the surgeon. There are drugs that painlessly remove the diseased layer, disinfect the skin and get rid of the fungus.

    If the medicine does not work immediately, it can be reapplied.

    keratolytic patchhas the same effect. It should be stuck on the painful part of the nail for 3 days. A special result appears after thereapplication.

    We treat nail fungus with folk remedies at home

    The best and most effective folk methods are:

    • Kombucha. An oatmeal is made from a small piece of mushroom, which is rubbed into the sore spot several times during the day. Compresses can be done at night. Before this procedure, it is best to spray your legs.
    • Soda. Prepare a soda solution with 1 tablespoon and 3 liters of hot water. Then keep your feet in it or compress for 20 minutes.
    • Sour creamis another help that relieves itching, redness and also heals cracks, eliminates dryness.
    • Potassium permanganate, garlic or onion juice. The method of treatment is as follows: steam your legs in a solution containing potassium permanganate, then rub the garlic or onion juice on the sore spots.
    • Peroxide and fat woman. It is necessary to cauterize the spores of the fungus with hydrogen peroxide, and then apply the oatmeal from the leaves of the "money tree".
    • Propolis. A 20% solution is applied to a cotton ball and applied to the infected part for 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times a day.
    • Tea tree oil. It should also be applied like the previous product. It has antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.
    • Iodine. This will help only at the first stage of the development of the fungus, it will dry out the wound.

    The action of folk remedies is effective. You will notice the result after 2-3 weeks.

    Treatment of nail fungus with a laser - features of the procedure

    A new modern method of treatment -laser action. Laser treatment is painless. The fungus is eliminated in 3-4 irradiation, and you can observe the effect even after the 1st session.

    Laser treatment for toenail fungus

    Main characteristics of the procedure:

    • / zxem> at the nail bed.
    • Irradiationof the circulatory system of the fingers.
    • Get rid ofitching.
    • Dryingthe nail.
    • Eliminationonly fungal spores, without touching the surrounding skin.
    • Relievesredness.

    The treatment session lasts 15-20 minutes. Without a doubt, thisprocedure is effective.

    Prevention of toenail fungus

    To avoid illness, follow these simple rules:

    1. Don't wear other people's shoes.
    2. Do not wear someone else's slippers when you visit.
    3. Only use your own personal manicure accessories.
    4. Wash your feet often with soap and water, especially after walking.
    5. If you know someone is sick, disinfect things and things after them.
    6. Avoid walking barefoot in public.
    7. When visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, wear rubber slippers.
    8. Make sure to take a shower after the pool.
    9. Don't buy or wear shoes that will rub your feet.
    10. Avoid synthetic socks and tights.
    Healthy nails with a beautiful pedicure

    I managed to cure nail fungus in 2 weeks. I didn't take any pills, but used creams to kill bacteria and had a soda bath every day. I noticed redness right after visiting the pool anddidn't hesitate - started treating.

    If you have started a disease, contact a specialist, buy prescribed drugs and pharmaceuticals. And so that the fungus does not appear again, follow the tips above.